Youth group--Kaleo: Meets Sunday morning for breakfast in the Fellowship Hall at 9:30 am. and Wednesday evenings, 6:30 pm at the church for food and fellowship. Bring a friend! Check the front page for last minute updates.
If you would like to be involved with the children's ministry, contact Juanita or Nanette. We need teaching assistants or fill-in while teachers are on vacation. Thank you.
Remember to pray for Brother David Cota, our missionary to the  Hopi and Navajo Tribes.
Brother Cota's contact info:
PO box 12984, Prescott, AZ  86304

Brother Cota says there is a great need for pastors of churches on the Indian Reservations. Volunteer workers are needed at times to help with repair and maintenance of churches and buildings. If you are able to help, connect with Mr. Cota. Thank you.