3132 White Bear Road
Sedona, AZ 86336
Phone: (928) 282-7463
Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m.

Pastor: Wayne Jones

Have a prayer request?
Call or email our prayer chain
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We are thankful to the Lord for supplying all our needs through the generous and faithful giving of His people!


If you would like to give to the Lord through our ministry, please send any gifts to:


Canyon Trails Cowboy Church

3132 White Bear Road

Sedona, AZ 86336


Thank you for your faithfulness!

You may earmark your donation to a certain ministry such as missions, building fund, tithe, Brother Cota's mission work, youth group, etc.
Currently the online giving option is broken. You may drop your gift in the Sunday offering box or mail a check to the church, made out to CTCC. Send to the above address. 

You will have the option to choose where you want your donation to go (missions, Brother Cota, building fund, general, tithe, etc). 

Thank you for your support.